VANK Publications

May We Speak? (Eng)
The “May We Speak QR Code International Film Festival” is comprised of a series of video clips that describe the injustices experienced by Koreans during the historical period of Japanese imperialism. This publication is a compilation of each of those stories accompanied by a QR codes linked to their respective YouTube clips. Topics include comfort women, the extermination of the Dokdo sea lion, the assassination of Empress Myeongseong, and Japan’s current territorial claim on the island of Dokdo.

Discover Korea in the World’s Textbook (Eng)
This book describes the Voluntary Agency Network of Korea and their primary goals and objectives. Some of their activities include an international pen pal classroom exchange, distribution of helpful printed materials, and projects to correct published historical inaccuracies. Follow VANK’s past, present, and future efforts to correct distorted information in international publications about Korea’s history, cultural relics, and notable figures.

The Greatest Invention, Movable Metal Type Printing and Jikji (Eng)
The movable metal type printing press was first invented in Korea and Jikji was the first book to be produced with movable metal type. This magazine examines their significance as documentary heritages and recognization through UNESCO’s Memory of the World Program and Jikji Memory of the World Prize. Follow VANK’s continuous efforts to correct false data that has been published about Korean printing history.

The Man Who Transforms Korea, Yi Sun-Sin (Eng)
General Yi Sun-Sin was one of the greatest men to have ever lived in Korea’s history. Follow his life, naval battles, and his legendary victory of the Imjin War. The book touches on the lasting effects of General Yi Sun-Sin’s accomplishments, revolutionary naval tactics, and international reputation. VANK continuously strives to share the story of Yi Sun-Sin and correct historical errors that may have been published about him.

Heart beating Korea 두근두근 코리아 (Eng&Kor)
This miniature book is an adorable guidebook for anyone who is interested in visiting or learning about Korea. It is jam-packed with essential information about historical sites and figures, food, and must-see hot spots.  Definitely one of the most charming guidebooks you will find about Korea.

Textbook for Cyber Diplomat – CYBER 독도사관학교 (Eng&Kor)
VANK’s members are cyber diplomats who share information about Korea through online networks. This guidebook will help you make the best use of VANK’s resources in order to become positive representative of South Korea and change the world for the better.  Become a Cyber Diplomat through education about Korea’s history, culture, and historical figures. Learn about Dokdo, peace maker issues, and how to be a world changer.

Dreaming Dreams That Shape the Future of Korea 대한미국의 미래를 만드는 우리들의 꿈 키우기 (Kor)  
This guidebook will take you through the step-by-step process of starting and developing a VANK charter club at your school or local community. After guiding you through the required steps to become a cyber diplomat and world changer, the book suggests various activities for you and your new organization. Take a look at some of the most outstanding VANK members and groups, how they’ve grown, and what they are doing to change the world as South Korean diplomats.


Global History Diplomacy Academy: A Workbook to Change the World and Me 글로벌역사외교아카데미: 나와 세계를 변화시키는(Kor)
The mission of VANK’s Global History Diplomacy Academy to help the youth of Korea develop a more accurate understanding of history and to cultivate future peacemakers who will address conflicts in Asia and all over the world. Learn about the historical conflicts of Northeast Asian and critical issues in the global community. Participate in a variety of activities and take steps towards being a positive change in the world.


Cyber Diplomat VANK 사이버외교관 반크 (Kor)
VANK (Voluntary Agency Network of Korea) is a cyber diplomacy organization that strives to share information about South Korea with the rest of the world. VANK also encourages the youth of Korea to become global leaders who make positive contributions to the global community. This book describes VANK and their numerous accomplishments. It also provides readers with tips on how to share information about South Korea or effectively correct historical inaccuracies that may have been published about Korea. Become a VANK cyber diplomat, promote a positive image of South Korea, and give back to the global community.