Jiwon Han (2019. 07. 04 ~ 08. 30)

1. Please give a brief introduction fo yourself.

Hello, I am Jiwon Han and I am studying in Dong-A University in Busan. When I was a sophomore in high school, I became a member of VANK as I was in charge of leading the VANK club at our school. Starting this year, I participated in several VANK conferences, and I had the opportunity to work here at VANK office for the summer.

2. How did you start interning at VANK?

When carrying out missions after VANK conferences, I felt that I could have been more helpful with the method and the result. So as a VANK intern, I wanted to work actively on long-term missions while working in the office.

3. What were your duties as an intern?

At first, I was assigned to search on web sites that sell products related to the Rising Sun flag, and send letters to the companies to change people’s mind around the world about the Rising Sun flag. Also, I had to revise and redeem the articles on the VANK Freedom Fighter English web site which the other American intern Sean worked on last year. I learned how to edit and manufacture videos regarding VANK conferences, the Dokdo Camp, Intern video clips about promoting Korea, and I also worked on making news clips regarding issues like Dokdo, East Sea, etc, and posted them on social media.

4. What have you gained from your experience as an intern?

Working at VANK helped me develop active thoughts and abilities when solving problems. I could also earn the confidence when solving problems in the future. Within solving these problems, I could learn that the world should acknowledge Korea truthfully and that Korea should be good friends with world wide citizens.

5. What was the most memorable thing you did at VANK?.

Making a video clip about Clara, the other VANK intern, promoting Korea was the most memorable thing I did. It was actually my first video clip that I have made by myself, and that’s one reason I could say it was the most memorable, but mostly, a foreign friend personally promoting Korea’s Jikji, Hangeul, 3.1 Movement was very impressive to me.

6. During your internship, what were your goals and what did you and what did you learn? Did you achieve those goals?

I wanted to correct errors regarding Korea around the world. The first mission I had was to stamp the Rising Sun Flag products from companies that sell those products, and I feel that I have corrected some of them. But still there are lot of products that are still sold on the internet regarding the Rising Sun Flag, I will keep working to accomplish the goals after my internship in VANK is over.

7. What did you contribute to VANK’s goals?

I prepared for every single conferences with other interns and took videos and edited them. Also, we prepared for the Dokdo camp together and I took many photos and videos with my camera to make a video to show the Dokdo camp members for a surprise on the last day at the camp.

8. Any advice on VANK members, or to people who want to participate in VANK?

The most important thing as a VANK member is to tell the world about Korea and to try becoming friends with people all around the world, as I could become good friends with Clara and Jessica to share thoughts and promote Korea together. Working as a VANK member is not adding a line about my experience on my resumé, but is a challenge to join on a small step towards changing the world.

9. Are there any last words you would like to say to VANK?

Thank you for selecting me as an intern and letting me work for two months. As a member of VANK, it was such a valuable memory and I will never forget the experience I had with VANK. I want to keep working on the projects that I have done as a VANK intern and hope to see you again in other conferences. Thank you again for taking care of me for two months!