2016 Dokdo Camp [2016.8.3~5]

2016 Dokdo Camp; Having Dokdo in Mind, Bringing Korea to the World

With people who share similar dreams and hopes, explore and discover Ulleungdo & Dokdo!

Hello, this is VANK youth leader, Yoojeong Jeong (YJ)! I’ll be a three-day-reporter of 2016 Dokdo camp to give you glimpse of this camp:) This year camp was the luckiest camp ever, and you’ll know why in a moment. Also, there are some bits of interviews added so as to hear real story from the members.

Day1 (2016.8.3)

Although the day was scorchingly hot, VANK staffs and members gathered in Pohang at early morning to explore Ulleungdo & Dokdo. Let’s hear from some of our members to tell us why they participated in this camp! Let’s welcome Taegeon (T), Seo-won (S), and Dogyun (D) to this interview 🙂

YJ: So, What made you here to spend the last days of your summer vacation? Also, before you tell us more about this camp, would you please introduce yourself?

T: Hello, I’m Taegeon Kim from Jeju-island! I was always interested in Dokdo, and while I was searching Dokdo at the internet, I learned VANK and one-day lecture on Dokdo, ‘Global Dokdo Ambassador.’

S: I’m Seo-won Byun and I’m a student studying at Philippines. As I have more foreign friends than Korean friends, I could easily realize how foreigners have some wrong information regarding Korea. So, I was searching how to explain such wrong information in a right way and rectify them. That’s how I reached VANK and this camp. As Dokdo and East Sea are the most representative errors regarding Korea, I wanted to learn more on this matter.

D: Last not but not least, I’m Dogyun Kim from Gimcheon! Currently, I’m on the way to set up a VANK club at my school. Initially, this club started out as ‘Comfort Women’ club but we extended to other issues such as Dokdo and East Sea. And, while we were researching on these issues, we met VANK and decided to change this club into VANK club. With my club members, we participate in one-day lecture to learn more about VANK and the issues. During the lecture, I was moved and motivated to accomplish all the tasks from the lecture, and I was chosen as the camp member!

After we landed on Ulleungdo, we went straight to Dokdo museum and Sigaji observatory. This camp started off with learning more about Dokdo and experience whole view of Ulleungdo. It was much meaningful as the first spot was implicitly intended for members to address Dokdo with objective approach, rather than emotional appeal.

At last, back at seminar room, we finally had time to introduce ourselves to others. Before we move into an actual team activity, we had two valuable lectures to help our members to understand more on the topic we are addressing. First lecture was truthfully motivated to bring out each member’s passion to act toward wrong information. Gitae Park, head of VANK, has strongly urged members to make actual action toward the issue, rather end up being mad and complain to others. Although there are limits, there are always ways to confront this issue and take action as a student.


Next lecture was informative lecture from Sori Lee to give utmost important information regarding Dokdo. She especially pointed out that we should not be cynical toward Japan, but to understand them. Furthermore, we should learn our situation and the perspective of the world, and thus deliver our history wisely.

Then, the first team activity started out with exciting music and the performance that was created by each team member. It was only after few hours since team members met each other, but they tried their best to become a one team and deliver their thoughts on Dokdo. Just wait for a moment to hear more stories about the team activity.

Day2 (2016.8.4)

The weather was perfect for our trip to Dokdo, two and a half hours away from Ulleungdo by ship. The wave was so still that we were not even supposed to take a medicine for seasickness. This is why this camp was so lucky! Thanks to the weather, we were able to spend about an hour at Dokdo, which rarely happens. We went to the eastern island of Dokdo where police guard of Dokdo stays. And, back again with our three wonderful interviewees to tell us more about our exploration!

YJ: The climax of this camp, exploring Dokdo! How was it to actually visit and step on Dokdo? You guys might have felt something that is hard to put into words!

Seo-won: To be honest, at first, I didn’t have much expectation. I just thought that it won’t be that different from the photo of Dokdo. However, I realized at a second as soon as I landed that photo cannot express beautiful scenery of Dokdo. It was much more beautiful compare to any other photos taken by photographers. I thought to myself that I need to protect Dokdo not because we have to. But, because we need to protect the beautiful view along with valuable ecosystem within the island.

Taegeon: Visiting Dokdo made one of my dreams come true! It was my life dream to visit and explore Dokdo as my future dream is to protect the island. First, I wanted to become police guard to protect Dokdo physically. However, I wanted to protect Dokdo in other perspective such as becoming international lawyer and act towards it. Dokdo is a true motivation and crux of my dream.

Reporter YJ: Then, let’s hear from other members who are also thrilled to tell us more! Let’s invite our lovely friend, Juyeon:) So, Juyeon, how was the Dokdo trip?

Juyeon: Hello, I’m Juyeon and I just stopped by because I wanted to share my thoughts, too! Well, Dokdo would be the most memorable trip ever in my life. Some people would be questioned on why it is meaningful to visit Dokdo. I think this leads to same question why we go traveling. People these days enjoy traveling around the world, visit new places and experience new culture and unique life style. And these trips become bits and pieces of our memories that stay in our mind for a life time. It’s same with Dokdo! As we traveled to Dokdo with our friends who share similar hopes and dreams, this also becomes haunting experience that could never be forgotten. The reason we act on Dokdo became our own efforts to protect our precious memories with our friends, not because we need to protect our territory. Trip to Dokdo has built unforgettable memory to all of us!

After putting aside the sadness of leaving Dokdo, back at Ulleungdo, We had the second team activity. For team activity, each team had to discuss on specific ways of responding to major media, which is the primary source of spreading wrong information around the world. Such media includes CIA World Fact Book, Lonely Planet, Google Map, Microsoft Bing Map, and etc. All of teams were having common basis that they all have credibility on such media and this is the very reason why they should rectify the mislead information. So as to give credible information to all the readers around the world, media should not provide information that was intended to promote imperialism.

Day3 (2016.8.5)

As the last day of the camp, we gathered in seminar room for wrapping up our camp by each of us sharing personal comments on the camp. And then, we went to last trip around the Ulleungdo that extended our haunting memory from Dokdo. As it is our last part of trip, let’s get back to interview to hear the overall comment of this memorable camp!

Reporter YJ: So, our long but short journey to Dokdo & Ulleungdo has come to an end! It would be a bittersweet moment for all of us. Still, I would like to hear overall comment ! There must be a lot of things that you learned and thought to yourselves.

Dogyun: Well, before I came to the camp, I was both excited and worried as I get to spend three days with people I first met. But, as soon as I arrive and meet my team mates, all my worries were gone and spend the days with excitements. Also, this camp would be a great help for me to set up VANK club in my school. Now, I understand VANK vision and right response toward Dokdo and East sea issue as in student level. With my club members, I would actively take action and pile up small changes to bring bigger changes. Personally, I have come up with approach to myself, as well. To myself, as my dream is to become researcher of biotechnology, I always dreamed of promoting peace in my own field of expertise. However, it seemed contradictory to be interested in global issues and disregard domestic issues. I would always try to be interested in both aspects along with building up my expertise. In short, this camp has become one of turning point for me in various ways!

Taegeon: Personally, I thought I know many things about Dokdo. But, I realized that knowing is not enough, taking action is the most important part. The most memorable part was the second team activity, when we had to come up with ways to rectifying wrong information in foreign major media. I thought to myself that I should not only focus on learning factual information regarding this matter but, I should actually write down formal letters to rectify the wrong information in foreign websites. I would not stop as knowing about it but take further step to take action.

Seo-won: I was a little pressured to come to this camp, as I am preparing for entering university. But, I learned there are more things to learn outside the textbook and experience something new. Also, this camp has changed my dream, as well! I wanted to become an interpreter or translator but, I wanted to engage actively on these matters. Now, I want to be a person who participates in various international conferences and meetings to represent Korea. This would also help me to choose my major in university. I appreciate everyone including VANK staffs that have made this wonderful opportunity for us.

Juyeon: My dream is to become a webtoon(web comic) artist and I would like to apply what I learned at camp with my dream. I want to draw a webtoon that introduce Dokdo to the world that could easily read by people without any resistance. This webtoon won’t have one-way contents, but a flashback of this precious memory and hope to share this story with others.

So, this brings up the finale of this camp! How this camp sound to you?

With people who share similar dreams and hopes, explore and discover Ulleungdo & Dokdo!